What’s the best position for meditating?
Description of most body positions suited for meditating and circumstances for using one rather than another.
Stabbing Democracy to Death
The current Republican initiatives to draw electoral districts that guarantee Republican victory and hrow non-likely Republican voters off the ballot are attempts to kill democracy. Needed if we wish to claim to be democratic: nonpartisan redistricting, voter registration a birth, required recusal of justices in conflicts of interest, and abolution of electoral college.
Describes what contemplative meditation is, what purpose it serves, and how to do it.
Instructions for how to do several variations of walking meditation that connects synchronizes breathing and walking. Describes reasons for and benefits of doing it.
Description of how to use mudras as part of a meditation. Introduces “moving mudras” in which a slight movement of the hand position in rhythm with the breathing can make it easier to maintain focus and reduce the tendency of your mind to drift away during meditation.
The Truth Will Set You Free — But First it Will Piss You Off!
"THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE – BUT FIRST IT WILL PISS YOU OFF." (full disclosure: I saw the line on a t-shirt.) Imagine that you have a police detective in your mind who tools around in a patrol car, or rides through your neural circuits on a motorcycle, or even walks around inspecting your mental territory with a magnifying glass like Sherlock Holmes. Upon finding a thought or feeling that’s forbidden, the officer writes out a citation that says, “Forget it.” Where does that inner...
COMMUNICATION: SIMPLE RESPECT. This is the first new post about everyday communication. Most of these will not be big, deep comments, but small ones that can improve and brighten everyday dialogues. In a drive-by-shooting someone in a car or on a cycle or scooter passes someone, fires a shot, and vanishes. The person who is shot has no chance to protect himself or herself or to retaliate. One kind of comment has something in common with this. A person makes a mean, insulting or otherwise...
Tarot at a Crossroads: The Unexpected Meeting of Tarot and Psychology
This book was explicitly written for both Tarot readers and for human services professionals. Visual imagery and psychological awareness and depth are key elements. The book’s style is accessible and engaging. It draws you right in. Concise dialogues are drawn from real life readings and counseling sessions. Useful new methods, stylistic excellence, and 208 full-color illustrations make it a pleasure to read.
Two Minute Meditation
This is for you if you’ve heard that meditation can have positive effects but just haven’t brought yourself to spend the 15 or 20 minutes a day required for a minimal regular meditation session.
MEDITATION III – Mindfulness or Witness Consciousness
"Mindfulness" has become a catch-word in some circles in recent years. Some of those who use the term understand it and some don't. It's a Buddhist term that is differs very little from the Yogic term "witness consciousness." Both involve noticing, moment-by-moment, what your mind is doing. Many who try to meditate with witness consciousness or mindfulness get stuck because they have overlooked the previous step, concentration. Only when you have the ability to notice your mind in action and...