Hey Donald — What’s (or Who’s) really “FAKE”?
HEY DONALD, WHAT'S REALLY "FAKE"? I never liked Donald "FAKE NEWS" Tweeter Trump. I thought he was one of the most thoroughly disgusting and disreputable blowhards in public life long before he ever had a TV show. I am not saying that he was or is either disgusting or disreputable, but that those were and are my own personal reactions to him. I suggest this: Don’t believe me. And don’t believe him. With every twitter posting, every speech, every statement, ask yourself, “Who's lying here?”...
A Movie Review: “American Made”
The other day my wife and I saw American Made, with Tom Cruise. This exciting and scenic but not scary movie showed the CIA drug and gun runners of the "Iran-Contra" affair right there on the big screen. Lots of nice aerial photos exciting without being creepy. And real cuts from old TV broadcasts. The Reagan Administration ran a HUGE drug and weapons trafficking operation at the same time Nancy Reagan was appearing on TV and telling the American people to "Just Say No" to drugs. The film...
Creating The Enemy
When we respond to the stories, words and pictures in our minds instead of using our eyes and ears to contact the actual reality around us, we can easily be manipulated. People with common interests can be turned against each other by superficial differences that keep us from seeing how we are manipulated by those who gain from exploiting all of us.
Social Security -- In the United States, of all government programs, it is one of the most successful and best run. Now well-off right wingers are trying to destroy it. A year-in, year-out right-wing Republican agenda is to take a meat cleaver to the social security payments for old people and the disabled. Why? Because, we are told, “eventually the system will go broke.” You may or may not recall that the system was put in because many of the old and disabled had no source of income, They...
Supreme Court Justices – 3 thoughts
Supreme court should serve justice, not partisan agendas; a justice with any partisan interest should recuse; a process needed to remove those who do not so recuse from the bench; if Senate does hold confirmation hearings, after specified time candidate should automatically assume position
Ostrich Syndrome – Self-Deception or Duplicity?
The Ostrich Syndrome refers to obvious facts or events that anyone who is not actively keeping them out of their awareness can see or hear. Examples here are Donald Trumps Mexican Wall, denial of the California Drought, and excessive military spending.
An Abortion Rights Manifesto
On March 30, 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump said that in his America abortion would be banned and “there has to be some sort of legal punishment” for women who have abortions. After fierce criticism from both left and right, he flip-flopped and said that not the women but the doctors who perform the abortions should be punished.
Trans Pacific Partnership
The TPP is an antidemocratic treaty proposal drafted by multinational corporations in their own interest. It is one more step toward dismantling democratic government. Its effects and chief features are listed in detail. Readers are urged to ask congresspersons to oppose “Fast track authority” which eliminates the Senate’s adivsory capacity which is written into the constitution,
George Washington on Political Parties
George Washington refused to join a political party, He viewed political parties as threats to democracy. People who adopt highly partisan positions and ideologies tend to act to the detriment of democracy and their country’s or state’s interests.
Employment & Jobs — What’s Going On?
Automation, robotization, and political and economic policies are all contributing to today’s structural unemployment. Some of these job-destroying factors are continuing and may even increase. No party has answers to all this. The discipline of economics needs radical structuring, and we need to move from commitment to one economic ideology (capitalism) to multivariate economics that includes diverse economic forms.