George Washington on Political Parties
George Washington refused to join a political party, He viewed political parties as threats to democracy. People who adopt highly partisan positions and ideologies tend to act to the detriment of democracy and their country’s or state’s interests.
The Perils of Self-Righteousness
We all have our pet peeves. One of mine is self-righteousness. "I am good and righteous and just and you are bad and maybe even wicked and evil." Not that I never fall into it myself, but I try to notice it and pull out when I do. What are the earmarks? The self-righteous person fancies himself or herself better than others who think or act...
Barry Goldwater Was a Champion of Reproductive Rights
In Texas and numerous other states middle-aged white men who claim to want to get government off people's backs are climbing onto women's backs and causing great unnecessary suffering. What did some of the great Republicans of the past think? BARRY GOLDWATER said, “A lot of so-called conservatives think I’ve turned liberal because I believe a...